Friday, January 9, 2009

Dot-com Bubble

The rise and fall of dot-com companies
In the middle of the 1990's (era actually began in 1995) the stock market had soared in the areas of technology and the Internet thus the dot-com bubble began (bubble that was solely based on the rise of technology and the opportunity to make invest and make money). Company after company invested in these dot-com websites (dot-com companies) in hopes that making a daring decision could allow them to dominate their respective markets. During this era, so much money was invested in these companies that the stock market (on top of what it did before) drastically rose and hundreds of companies were being created in high tech areas such as Silicon Valley, California. But, what seemed like an overnight event, companies were going bankrupt. Many companies were in legal trouble with lawsuits stating that many companies were creating monopolies and, because of this decline and a decline in company spending, dot-com companies began to fail and the stock market fell. It is estimated that as much as 5 trillion dollars was lost.

Some companies that were involved in the bubble:
Alcatel, Amazon, AOL, Dell ,Ebay, France Telecom, Paypal, Yahoo

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